Mining Truck & Vehicle Wash for your Victoria, Australia company
In the mining industry, the complex earth-moving equipment used collects a lot of mud and debris, which ordinary washing cannot remove. In Victoria, Australia, where the industry is robust, the demand for reliable mining trucks and vehicle wash systems is high.
For over 25 years, Westmatic Victoria, Australia, has manufactured innovative mining truck and vehicle wash systems that offer quick turnaround, low maintenance cost, and are environmentally friendly, like recycling and reusing 85% of wash water.
Drive-Through Equipment 
This system is ideal if you handle about 30 mining trucks and vehicles weekly. It has a reduced wash cycle time of about 90 seconds a truck allowing you to clean a large fleet. The system also lowers labour costs with many variants.
Rollover Or Gantry Application
This versatile, low-maintenance, and high-efficiency design doesn't require the driver to steer through but park it as traffic signals indicate, and the machine does the rest.
It works through the floor-mounted track system and a wash cycle of about 5-10 minutes. But it depends on your options.
Customizable System
Our engineers consult with business leaders, equipment owners, companies, and other stakeholders to develop customizable designs to produce reliable mining and truck wash systems.
For instance, our touchless machines are designed as either drive-through or gantry setups. These high-pressure, robotic, self-adjusting spray booms can clean different shapes and designs. It offers customizable options, either touchless or brush setup, or both.